
Copyright note: The copyright of the many of these published papers has been transferred to the respective publisher. Such papers cannot be copied or used for commercial purposes.

Approximation Algorithms:






  • Z. Friggstad, S. Gollapudi, K. Kollias, T. Sarlos, C. Swamy, and A. Tomkins
    Orienteering Algorithms for Generating Travel Itineraries
    In proceedings of WSDM, 2018.

  • Z. Friggstad, K. Khodamoradi, M. Rezapour, and M. R. Salavatipour
    Approximation Schemes for Clustering with Outliers.
    In proceedings of SODA, 2018.

  • Z. Goldthorpe, J. Cannon, J. Farebrother, Z. Friggstad, and M. Nascimento
    Using biconnected components for efficient identification of upstream features in large spatial networks.
    In SIGSPATIAL/GIScup, 2018.
    Comment: The first three authors were undergraduate students at the time. This paper describes their submission to the GIScup 2018 contest. They won 3rd place.




  • R. Benkoczi, Z. Friggstad, D. Gaur, and M. Thom
    Minimizing Total Sensor Movement for Barrier Coverage by Non-uniform Sensors on a Line.
    In proceedings of ALGOSENSORS, 2015.

  • Z. Friggstad, Z. Gao
    On Linear Programming Relaxations for Unsplittable Flow in Trees.
    In proceedings of APPROX, 2015.

  • B. Behsaz, Z. Friggstad, M.R. Salavatipour, and R. Sivakumar
    Approximation Algorithms for Min-Sum k-Clustering and Balanced k-Median
    In proceedings of ICALP, 2015.

  • Z. Friggstad, M. Rezapour, M. R. Salavatipour, J. A. Soto
    LP-based Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location in Buy-at-Bulk Network Design
    In proceedings of WADS, 2015.







  • A. Fellah, Z. Friggstad and S. Nourredine
    Deterministic Timed AFA: A New Class of Timed Alternating Finite Automata

    Journal of Computer Science 3(1):1-8, 2007

  • H. Li and Z. Friggstad
    An Efficient Architecture for the AES Mix Columns Operation

    IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 5:4637-4640, 2005.


  • Z. Friggstad
    Approximation Techniques for Unsplittable Flow and Traveling Salesmen Problems

    PhD thesis, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Aug 2011.
    Supervisor: Mohammad R. Salavatipour

  • Z. Friggstad
    Minimizing Movement in Mobile Facility Location Problems

    M.Sc. thesis, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Aug 2007.
    Supervisor: Mohammad R. Salavatipour